The Empowering Choice: Krav Maga as an Effective Self-Defence System for Kids and Teens
Engaging in Krav Maga training provides numerous physical fitness benefits for kids and teens. The system's rigorous workouts help improve cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and coordination. Unlike sedentary activities, Krav Maga encourages youngsters to actively participate, helping combat issues related to childhood obesity and sedentary lifestyles. This combination of self-defence training and physical activity contributes to the overall well-being of children and teenagers.
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Losing weight isn’t just about eating less!
These are some common pitfalls people can overlook within their journey to losing weight. However, there are over 100 reasons and interactions that can alter weight loss.
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‘Preschool Near Me’ - The Search Battle Between Convenience and Quality
How often does the over-caring mother type in the Google search bar “child care near me” in the hopes of finding a childcare centre which is ‘just around the corner’ and also possesses all of the finest quality options a childcare can offer?
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Is your baby still eating puree?
Something I have noticed in my every day practice, is that a lot of parents continue to feed their babies pureed food, long after they need to. It’s a tricky time, because we start our babies on solids around 6 months and progress with offering a range of vegies and fruit, and it is easy to get into the routine of making food in bulk and filling up the freezer! Also, you may not be visiting your Maternal and Child Health Nurse until baby is 8 months, so you coast along doing the same thing.
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How to Regulate your Emotions: A Critical Skill for Parents and Children
Most would agree that there is not a parent among us who doesn’t have days where they feel overwhelmed by the pressures of being a parent or primary carer. No matter who you are, where you come from or what you do, parenting is a great equaliser and at one time or another, we all have those moments where we struggle to control our emotions during times of stress or pressure. We may end up reacting in ways we do not like and later feel overwhelmed by regret.
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Say Goodbye to you Inner Mean Mummy
I’ve been there! It’s not fun. I lost my confidence and I felt terrible. It’s time to say goodbye to that part of you. It’s time to let it go. But how you ask?
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Amazing listening in under a minute!
START DOING THESE FIVE THINGS AND YOU’LL HAVE AMAZING LISTENERS IN UNDER A MINUTE! DON’T BELIEVE ME? GO TRY! As a behaviour consultant with almost fifteen years of experience working with families....
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How often do we hear stories of pregnancy, birth and early parenting all going exactly to plan? More often than not, the ideas we have in our minds of how things should be, do not merge with the eventuating reality, even if it is the second, third or fourth time around. Every pregnancy, birth, and baby is different and this can have a significant influence on how we feel about ourselves, our baby and about our early parenting experiences.
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Flying with expressed breastmilk
The last few years there have been a few highly publicised cases of women being made to discard or taste test their hard pumped liquid gold breastmilk when travelling through security or customs when flying. The vast majority of mum’s encounter no issues but its best to educate yourself on your rights as a breastfeeding/ pumping mother and the rules of travelling with expressed breast milk (EBM), so you are confident if you come across any problems.
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5 easy ways you can add exercise into your day
Human beings are routine based animals. We love structure, consistency and making things as easy as possible. So why not start your morning routine off with exercise? To do this I suggest making your environment supportive of this endeavour by setting up your workout clothes in an easy to see place as soon as you wake up, leave your gym shoes close to the front door, set a reminder on your phone.
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Detox and the skin
The skin is the largest organ of the body. When it comes to detoxification it is also the most important, followed by the lymphatic system, digestive system, liver, and the kidneys. Every day we are exposed to toxins in our air, water, food and personal products. We can do our best to live free of these substances, but some are unavoidable.
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People Pleasers are Not Kind
Are you a people pleaser? Do you make decisions because you are afraid of what other people might think? People pleasers think they being kind but they are not being kind to themselves and sometimes not even or others. People pleasers hold back the truth.
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What is Canine Myofunctional Therapy by Pet Nurture
Sometimes your best efforts can't prevent an illness or injury from throwing him out of balance. Perhaps you have always relied on conventional veterinary medicine to deal with problems but lately you're drawn to the world of holistic care and hands-on therapies (Allegretti & Sommers, 2003).
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7 Tips to Improve Your Child’s Difficult Behaviour
Try to be calm when a negative behaviour arises. If you react to your child’s misbehaviour, you will either have a big fight on your hands or your child will learn that if they get a reaction to a specific behaviour, they will repeat that behaviour next time. To diffuse rising tension, turn towards your child and talk in a quiet and firm voice.
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Unlocking Potential: The Golden Ingredient of Futsal for Soccer Players
By incorporating Futsal into training programs, Australian players can develop a unique edge, distinguishing themselves on the global stage.
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‘Does Year 9-10 really matter?’ – Top questions we get asked about Year 9-10 subject selection
At the end of the day, your Year 9-10 subject choices don't necessarily have to correlate towards concrete goals - Rather, they offer you a taste test before you have to commit. Pay attention to what you like and dislike in Years 9-10 and you will be able to figure out more about yourself, your interests and your skills.
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10 TOP TIPS for working from home with children:
Working from home is great! BUT can be a challenge when you have children under 5 years old. Or what about when the school holidays roll around? The kids are on holidays, but you may not necessarily be!
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