Storytelling - Art, Explore & Creativity - Mini Artist
For all the things about children developing in art, is all related to be able to be more independent in life and explore things and have the ability to express themselves , understanding them. Through art , is a way to knowledge things of what they like, how they think and what they see. We try and understand children and guide them to understand and knowledge topics in life by reading stories looking through other people artwork. And to be able to think and train their brain.
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Perfection. Is it Paralysing You?
Just notice how often you don’t start because you are scared that it won’t be perfect. How often you feel angry or frustrated because things are not going perfectly.
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Story time – when books trump technology
We’re hearing more and more lately about the importance of reading to and with children; and its impact on language and literacy. Whilst more concrete evidence now exists of the impact on a child’s cognitive skills and the associated flow-on effects throughout their lives, it has been no secret that reading to and with children is a good idea. However, an abundance of technology, combined with the increasingly busy lives of families, mean that many simply aren’t finding the time.
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Self-Care For Mums
Exercise, even for just a short time, clears the head (and helps our sanity!) Walking, swimming, tai chi. Even dancing around the house has proven fun benefits – watch out, though, as the family may want to join in.
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‘Does Year 9-10 really matter?’ – Top questions we get asked about Year 9-10 subject selection
At the end of the day, your Year 9-10 subject choices don't necessarily have to correlate towards concrete goals - Rather, they offer you a taste test before you have to commit. Pay attention to what you like and dislike in Years 9-10 and you will be able to figure out more about yourself, your interests and your skills.
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How To Measure Ring Size: Two Methods To Try & One To Avoid
Another great way to measure ring size: ring sizer tool This is nifty, if we do say so ourselves! The ring sizer tool will take the guesswork out of finding your ring size, and it reduces the risk of pesky problems arising from the pen-and-trace technique mentioned above. Instead of tracing an existing ring, it uses a cable tie to measure the width of your finger.
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Top 10 Tips to be an Organised Mum
Do you find yourself stressing about everything? Do you wish you could clone yourself or that you could still function on zero hours sleep? Do you struggle to juggle your career, look after your children, manage your house, have a relationship with your partner, and find some ‘me time’? Do you get home from work, after a long day and wish you could just relax, instead of having to tackle another to-do list and prepare a nutritious dinner, which the children won’t pick at?
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Flying with expressed breastmilk
The last few years there have been a few highly publicised cases of women being made to discard or taste test their hard pumped liquid gold breastmilk when travelling through security or customs when flying. The vast majority of mum’s encounter no issues but its best to educate yourself on your rights as a breastfeeding/ pumping mother and the rules of travelling with expressed breast milk (EBM), so you are confident if you come across any problems.
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How to Regulate your Emotions: A Critical Skill for Parents and Children
Most would agree that there is not a parent among us who doesn’t have days where they feel overwhelmed by the pressures of being a parent or primary carer. No matter who you are, where you come from or what you do, parenting is a great equaliser and at one time or another, we all have those moments where we struggle to control our emotions during times of stress or pressure. We may end up reacting in ways we do not like and later feel overwhelmed by regret.
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10 TOP TIPS for working from home with children:
Working from home is great! BUT can be a challenge when you have children under 5 years old. Or what about when the school holidays roll around? The kids are on holidays, but you may not necessarily be!
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Whats Behind the Popularity of Martial Arts Fitness among Australia's Youth?
Kids in Australia are drawn to Martial Arts Fitness for its unique blend of fitness and discipline, focus on health and wellness, self-defense empowerment, stress relief, sense of community, cultural appreciation, and the diversity of available styles.
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Your Perception Is Your Reality!
“I’m not what I think I am, I’m not what you think I am, I’m what I think you think I am”. As confusing as this quote from Cooley is, it is the way most of us live our lives. We seem to be caught in the external trap of judgment of what we think others think which in turn sets our own limited way of thinking.
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A Guide to Golf Lessons
Ensure you have comfortable athletic wear, shoes and an eagerness to learn with an open mind. Your instructor will likely provide any additional equipment needed, not required initially but having your own set of clubs is a good investment as you progress in your golfing journey.
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Do you know all the Health Benefits of DanceSport for Children and Teens?
Since in competitive Ballroom and Latin Dancing, a boy and a girl work together as a couple from an early age, it also allows boys to learn how to communicate with girls, learn to work in a team, develop leadership skills and a desire for victory.
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Battling the Baby Eczema Blues
Summer is over, autumn leaves have fallen from the trees and winter has arrived. Winter is a challenging time for families. Not only do you worry about making sure everyone is keeping warm, avoiding the sniffles and trying to find activities for those wet and windy days. But trying to manage your family’s skin as well? Especially if any of you suffer from dry skin, eczema or dermatitis.
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Losing weight isn’t just about eating less!
These are some common pitfalls people can overlook within their journey to losing weight. However, there are over 100 reasons and interactions that can alter weight loss.
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How to add value to your home?
The average Australian lawn is 130m2, so you should pay around $1000-1500 for new grass without any labour costs. Based on around 130m2, you are looking at $2.50-3/m2 for installation if you don’t do it yourself. The cheapest option is to do the work yourself. The only thing it will cost you is your time. Do realise it isn’t simply a case of plonking the turf down and walking away.
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