7 Tips to Improve Your Child’s Difficult Behaviour
Try to be calm when a negative behaviour arises. If you react to your child’s misbehaviour, you will either have a big fight on your hands or your child will learn that if they get a reaction to a specific behaviour, they will repeat that behaviour next time. To diffuse rising tension, turn towards your child and talk in a quiet and firm voice.
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People Pleasers are Not Kind
Are you a people pleaser? Do you make decisions because you are afraid of what other people might think? People pleasers think they being kind but they are not being kind to themselves and sometimes not even or others. People pleasers hold back the truth.
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Immunising Your Kids Against Cyber bullying
Our kids are living in a modern world where cyber bullies are rife. I hear mums worrying this Internet age where our children are so susceptible to other people’s opinions.
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Unlocking Potential: The Golden Ingredient of Futsal for Soccer Players
By incorporating Futsal into training programs, Australian players can develop a unique edge, distinguishing themselves on the global stage.
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Custom Golf Club Fitting: Enhancing Your Game with Precision
While the exact number of strokes saved can vary from golfer to golfer, a well executed custom fitting has the potential to make a significant impact on your game. It can enhance accuracy, increase distance, and improve overall consistency, leading to a more enjoyable and successful golfing experience.
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Perfection. Is it Paralysing You?
Just notice how often you don’t start because you are scared that it won’t be perfect. How often you feel angry or frustrated because things are not going perfectly.
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What Are Dermal Fillers? Exploring Benefits, Safety, and Applications
Hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers binds to water molecules already present in the skin. This interaction increases skin volume, smooths lines, and gives the treated area a youthful, refreshed look. This moisturising quality is not only beneficial for enhancing facial features but also aids in skin health. Unlike invasive cosmetic procedures, HA-based fillers encourage the skin to retain natural moisture, making them a preferred choice for clients seeking subtle, natural-looking enhancements.
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Say Goodbye to you Inner Mean Mummy
I’ve been there! It’s not fun. I lost my confidence and I felt terrible. It’s time to say goodbye to that part of you. It’s time to let it go. But how you ask?
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Baby Massage - a way to get to know your baby
Over the past few years I have worked with loads of mums & dads who recognised that they struggled with getting to know their baby! There is so much emphasis placed on getting everything ready for baby; all the material things that may be needed like cot blankets, bumpers, nappies, bottles, dummies, formula, clothes, etc. Then the books and don't forget googling the different colour baby's poop could be and if it is normal, the different skin rashes, etc.
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Women and Super
I was recently having a chat over coffee with a group of other Mums in business (truthfully I was doing a bit of market research) and I asked them if they felt that they had less super savings than they should have considering their ages and stages. A conversation then followed about the gender pay-gap, taking time out of the workforce to raise a family and finding yourself sole breadwinner due to either illness or relationship breakdown.
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Losing weight isn’t just about eating less!
These are some common pitfalls people can overlook within their journey to losing weight. However, there are over 100 reasons and interactions that can alter weight loss.
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Self-Care For Mums
Exercise, even for just a short time, clears the head (and helps our sanity!) Walking, swimming, tai chi. Even dancing around the house has proven fun benefits – watch out, though, as the family may want to join in.
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Do you know all the Health Benefits of DanceSport for Children and Teens?
Since in competitive Ballroom and Latin Dancing, a boy and a girl work together as a couple from an early age, it also allows boys to learn how to communicate with girls, learn to work in a team, develop leadership skills and a desire for victory.
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When should my child learn to read?
Learning to read is an essential part of a child’s development, if they are to function comfortably in today’s society. Many people ask: At what age should a child learn to read? How young is too young; and what are the risks if I wait too long?
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What To Wear For Your Family Photo Shoot
Clients often ask me what to wear for their family photo shoot. Above all else, I want you to wear something that represents you, as a family. There is no use buying clothes that do not suit you and your style. You do not want to look back at your photos in 2 or 10 years time, and cringe, remembering that time you all wore "those clothes” for some family photos.
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How to add value to your home?
The average Australian lawn is 130m2, so you should pay around $1000-1500 for new grass without any labour costs. Based on around 130m2, you are looking at $2.50-3/m2 for installation if you don’t do it yourself. The cheapest option is to do the work yourself. The only thing it will cost you is your time. Do realise it isn’t simply a case of plonking the turf down and walking away.
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I’ve never dreamed of having a baby. My husband did. I dreamed of having a career and being the CEO of a very large corporate by the time I’m 40. I liked my busy lifestyle. Flying around, meeting important people and giving advice on things that were and felt a lot bigger than me. So I agonised over, what everyone assured me, was going to be a complete change in my life and that you can “forget your career”. I was scared.
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