5 easy tips for better breathing
Our modern stressed sedentary lifestyle has shifted our breathing patterns away from our natural breath. Many of us have adopted poor and ineffective breathing patterns, negatively impacting our physical and mental health.
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Detox and the skin
The skin is the largest organ of the body. When it comes to detoxification it is also the most important, followed by the lymphatic system, digestive system, liver, and the kidneys. Every day we are exposed to toxins in our air, water, food and personal products. We can do our best to live free of these substances, but some are unavoidable.
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Baby Massage - a way to get to know your baby
Over the past few years I have worked with loads of mums & dads who recognised that they struggled with getting to know their baby! There is so much emphasis placed on getting everything ready for baby; all the material things that may be needed like cot blankets, bumpers, nappies, bottles, dummies, formula, clothes, etc. Then the books and don't forget googling the different colour baby's poop could be and if it is normal, the different skin rashes, etc.
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From Kickabouts to Competitions: The Thrilling World of Kids' Soccer
Of course, there are challenges to playing soccer at any age. Injuries can occur, and competition can be intense. However, by providing a safe and supportive environment for kids to develop their skills, these challenges can be minimized. Kids who play soccer learn valuable lessons about teamwork, resilience, and sportsmanship that will serve them well both on and off the field.
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I’ve never dreamed of having a baby. My husband did. I dreamed of having a career and being the CEO of a very large corporate by the time I’m 40. I liked my busy lifestyle. Flying around, meeting important people and giving advice on things that were and felt a lot bigger than me. So I agonised over, what everyone assured me, was going to be a complete change in my life and that you can “forget your career”. I was scared.
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Custom Golf Club Fitting: Enhancing Your Game with Precision
While the exact number of strokes saved can vary from golfer to golfer, a well executed custom fitting has the potential to make a significant impact on your game. It can enhance accuracy, increase distance, and improve overall consistency, leading to a more enjoyable and successful golfing experience.
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Unlocking Potential: The Golden Ingredient of Futsal for Soccer Players
By incorporating Futsal into training programs, Australian players can develop a unique edge, distinguishing themselves on the global stage.
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5 easy ways you can add exercise into your day
Human beings are routine based animals. We love structure, consistency and making things as easy as possible. So why not start your morning routine off with exercise? To do this I suggest making your environment supportive of this endeavour by setting up your workout clothes in an easy to see place as soon as you wake up, leave your gym shoes close to the front door, set a reminder on your phone.
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How to Deal with Loneliness in 3 Step Process
Loneliness is a feeling that we try and avoid. The most intense feeling of loneliness I remember was as a child sitting in a classroom full of people. I vividly remember the feeling scared by its power. From that day onward I tried to avoid any negative emotions. But now I understand what created that feeling of loneliness. I know some tools to relieve some of that emotional discomfort and I have learned how to move forward when I feel lonely. I’m going to teach you these things today.
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Empowering Adolescents: The Psychological Benefits of Rites of Passage
Weaving these ancient practices into our modern lives is more than just a nod to tradition
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Losing weight isn’t just about eating less!
These are some common pitfalls people can overlook within their journey to losing weight. However, there are over 100 reasons and interactions that can alter weight loss.
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How to Regulate your Emotions: A Critical Skill for Parents and Children
Most would agree that there is not a parent among us who doesn’t have days where they feel overwhelmed by the pressures of being a parent or primary carer. No matter who you are, where you come from or what you do, parenting is a great equaliser and at one time or another, we all have those moments where we struggle to control our emotions during times of stress or pressure. We may end up reacting in ways we do not like and later feel overwhelmed by regret.
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Do you know all the Health Benefits of DanceSport for Children and Teens?
Since in competitive Ballroom and Latin Dancing, a boy and a girl work together as a couple from an early age, it also allows boys to learn how to communicate with girls, learn to work in a team, develop leadership skills and a desire for victory.
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Self-Care For Mums
Exercise, even for just a short time, clears the head (and helps our sanity!) Walking, swimming, tai chi. Even dancing around the house has proven fun benefits – watch out, though, as the family may want to join in.
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‘Preschool Near Me’ - The Search Battle Between Convenience and Quality
How often does the over-caring mother type in the Google search bar “child care near me” in the hopes of finding a childcare centre which is ‘just around the corner’ and also possesses all of the finest quality options a childcare can offer?
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How To Measure Ring Size: Two Methods To Try & One To Avoid
Another great way to measure ring size: ring sizer tool This is nifty, if we do say so ourselves! The ring sizer tool will take the guesswork out of finding your ring size, and it reduces the risk of pesky problems arising from the pen-and-trace technique mentioned above. Instead of tracing an existing ring, it uses a cable tie to measure the width of your finger.
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How often do we hear stories of pregnancy, birth and early parenting all going exactly to plan? More often than not, the ideas we have in our minds of how things should be, do not merge with the eventuating reality, even if it is the second, third or fourth time around. Every pregnancy, birth, and baby is different and this can have a significant influence on how we feel about ourselves, our baby and about our early parenting experiences.
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