What Guitar Should I buy?
Most our students start with a 3/4 size guitar. We have many in our studios.
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People Pleasers are Not Kind
Are you a people pleaser? Do you make decisions because you are afraid of what other people might think? People pleasers think they being kind but they are not being kind to themselves and sometimes not even or others. People pleasers hold back the truth.
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Your Kids Should Not be the most Important in the Family
I saw an article titled “Your Kids Should Not be Most the Important in the Family” and it made me feel lots of things. Defensive, angry, upset but I also agreed with the statement. Parenting doesn’t come with a manual. I’ve tried to follow a few cheat sheets - attachment parenting, conscious parenting, the Montessori approach… No matter how hard I tried, how hard I researched, I never felt like I was the best mum I could be. I just needed to try harder. Right?
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Baby Massage - a way to get to know your baby
Over the past few years I have worked with loads of mums & dads who recognised that they struggled with getting to know their baby! There is so much emphasis placed on getting everything ready for baby; all the material things that may be needed like cot blankets, bumpers, nappies, bottles, dummies, formula, clothes, etc. Then the books and don't forget googling the different colour baby's poop could be and if it is normal, the different skin rashes, etc.
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10 TOP TIPS for working from home with children:
Working from home is great! BUT can be a challenge when you have children under 5 years old. Or what about when the school holidays roll around? The kids are on holidays, but you may not necessarily be!
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Custom Golf Club Fitting: Enhancing Your Game with Precision
While the exact number of strokes saved can vary from golfer to golfer, a well executed custom fitting has the potential to make a significant impact on your game. It can enhance accuracy, increase distance, and improve overall consistency, leading to a more enjoyable and successful golfing experience.
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Storytelling - Art, Explore & Creativity - Mini Artist
For all the things about children developing in art, is all related to be able to be more independent in life and explore things and have the ability to express themselves , understanding them. Through art , is a way to knowledge things of what they like, how they think and what they see. We try and understand children and guide them to understand and knowledge topics in life by reading stories looking through other people artwork. And to be able to think and train their brain.
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‘Preschool Near Me’ - The Search Battle Between Convenience and Quality
How often does the over-caring mother type in the Google search bar “child care near me” in the hopes of finding a childcare centre which is ‘just around the corner’ and also possesses all of the finest quality options a childcare can offer?
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What Are Dermal Fillers? Exploring Benefits, Safety, and Applications
Hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers binds to water molecules already present in the skin. This interaction increases skin volume, smooths lines, and gives the treated area a youthful, refreshed look. This moisturising quality is not only beneficial for enhancing facial features but also aids in skin health. Unlike invasive cosmetic procedures, HA-based fillers encourage the skin to retain natural moisture, making them a preferred choice for clients seeking subtle, natural-looking enhancements.
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What is The Buteyko Breathing Method?
'Is disease driving the breath, or is the breath driving disease?'
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Your Perception Is Your Reality!
“I’m not what I think I am, I’m not what you think I am, I’m what I think you think I am”. As confusing as this quote from Cooley is, it is the way most of us live our lives. We seem to be caught in the external trap of judgment of what we think others think which in turn sets our own limited way of thinking.
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How to add value to your home?
The average Australian lawn is 130m2, so you should pay around $1000-1500 for new grass without any labour costs. Based on around 130m2, you are looking at $2.50-3/m2 for installation if you don’t do it yourself. The cheapest option is to do the work yourself. The only thing it will cost you is your time. Do realise it isn’t simply a case of plonking the turf down and walking away.
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Is it Possible to Be More Present With Our Kids?
One major obstacle holding us back from being more present with our kids, are our feelings. We feel restless and bored and agitated and frustrated and annoyed and disappointed. Yes, there is fun and enjoyment and love and humour but somehow I don’t think you need help with that side of life.
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Karate Classes & Lessons for Kids: Building Confidence and Discipline Through Martial Arts
While karate is an individual practice, training in a group setting fosters camaraderie and teamwork. Kids learn to support and uplift each other, honing their social skills and forging lasting bonds.
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Empowering Adolescents: The Psychological Benefits of Rites of Passage
Weaving these ancient practices into our modern lives is more than just a nod to tradition
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I’ve never dreamed of having a baby. My husband did. I dreamed of having a career and being the CEO of a very large corporate by the time I’m 40. I liked my busy lifestyle. Flying around, meeting important people and giving advice on things that were and felt a lot bigger than me. So I agonised over, what everyone assured me, was going to be a complete change in my life and that you can “forget your career”. I was scared.
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5 easy ways you can add exercise into your day
Human beings are routine based animals. We love structure, consistency and making things as easy as possible. So why not start your morning routine off with exercise? To do this I suggest making your environment supportive of this endeavour by setting up your workout clothes in an easy to see place as soon as you wake up, leave your gym shoes close to the front door, set a reminder on your phone.
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