When should my child learn to read?
Learning to read is an essential part of a child’s development, if they are to function comfortably in today’s society. Many people ask: At what age should a child learn to read? How young is too young; and what are the risks if I wait too long?
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Self-Care For Mums
Exercise, even for just a short time, clears the head (and helps our sanity!) Walking, swimming, tai chi. Even dancing around the house has proven fun benefits – watch out, though, as the family may want to join in.
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Battling the Baby Eczema Blues
Summer is over, autumn leaves have fallen from the trees and winter has arrived. Winter is a challenging time for families. Not only do you worry about making sure everyone is keeping warm, avoiding the sniffles and trying to find activities for those wet and windy days. But trying to manage your family’s skin as well? Especially if any of you suffer from dry skin, eczema or dermatitis.
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A Guide to Golf Lessons
Ensure you have comfortable athletic wear, shoes and an eagerness to learn with an open mind. Your instructor will likely provide any additional equipment needed, not required initially but having your own set of clubs is a good investment as you progress in your golfing journey.
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Whats Behind the Popularity of Martial Arts Fitness among Australia's Youth?
Kids in Australia are drawn to Martial Arts Fitness for its unique blend of fitness and discipline, focus on health and wellness, self-defense empowerment, stress relief, sense of community, cultural appreciation, and the diversity of available styles.
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What To Wear For Your Family Photo Shoot
Clients often ask me what to wear for their family photo shoot. Above all else, I want you to wear something that represents you, as a family. There is no use buying clothes that do not suit you and your style. You do not want to look back at your photos in 2 or 10 years time, and cringe, remembering that time you all wore "those clothes” for some family photos.
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How To Survive Mother's Day With A Difficult Mother
Some adult daughters have difficult relationships with their mum, still seeking their mother’s approval for their career, for their love interests, for her acceptance and unconditional love. They revert to being a child in their mother’s presence, wanting mum to nurture and encourage them, maintaining hope that mum will hold the little girl in her lap of tenderness, stroking her fondly, speaking gently from doting mother to her adoring child. This is the fantasy that adult daughters dream about.
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Amazing listening in under a minute!
START DOING THESE FIVE THINGS AND YOU’LL HAVE AMAZING LISTENERS IN UNDER A MINUTE! DON’T BELIEVE ME? GO TRY! As a behaviour consultant with almost fifteen years of experience working with families....
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People Pleasers are Not Kind
Are you a people pleaser? Do you make decisions because you are afraid of what other people might think? People pleasers think they being kind but they are not being kind to themselves and sometimes not even or others. People pleasers hold back the truth.
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Existing in Photographs
Existing in photographs – it’s a thing and it’s important. So many of us duck, dodge, dip and dive when a camera is pointed our way. Who wants to be immortalised when we’re not feeling our most beautiful? We’re not as young as we used to be.. We’re having a fat day, a bad hair day, I couldn’t be bothered getting out of my tracksuit pants day… We have this bizarre notion that somehow we’ll be judged for how we look in photos or that we’re not worth capturing unless we can be Vanity Fair perfect.
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What Are Dermal Fillers? Exploring Benefits, Safety, and Applications
Hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers binds to water molecules already present in the skin. This interaction increases skin volume, smooths lines, and gives the treated area a youthful, refreshed look. This moisturising quality is not only beneficial for enhancing facial features but also aids in skin health. Unlike invasive cosmetic procedures, HA-based fillers encourage the skin to retain natural moisture, making them a preferred choice for clients seeking subtle, natural-looking enhancements.
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Storytelling - Art, Explore & Creativity - Mini Artist
For all the things about children developing in art, is all related to be able to be more independent in life and explore things and have the ability to express themselves , understanding them. Through art , is a way to knowledge things of what they like, how they think and what they see. We try and understand children and guide them to understand and knowledge topics in life by reading stories looking through other people artwork. And to be able to think and train their brain.
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How to Deal with Loneliness in 3 Step Process
Loneliness is a feeling that we try and avoid. The most intense feeling of loneliness I remember was as a child sitting in a classroom full of people. I vividly remember the feeling scared by its power. From that day onward I tried to avoid any negative emotions. But now I understand what created that feeling of loneliness. I know some tools to relieve some of that emotional discomfort and I have learned how to move forward when I feel lonely. I’m going to teach you these things today.
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The Empowering Choice: Krav Maga as an Effective Self-Defence System for Kids and Teens
Engaging in Krav Maga training provides numerous physical fitness benefits for kids and teens. The system's rigorous workouts help improve cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and coordination. Unlike sedentary activities, Krav Maga encourages youngsters to actively participate, helping combat issues related to childhood obesity and sedentary lifestyles. This combination of self-defence training and physical activity contributes to the overall well-being of children and teenagers.
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From Kickabouts to Competitions: The Thrilling World of Kids' Soccer
Of course, there are challenges to playing soccer at any age. Injuries can occur, and competition can be intense. However, by providing a safe and supportive environment for kids to develop their skills, these challenges can be minimized. Kids who play soccer learn valuable lessons about teamwork, resilience, and sportsmanship that will serve them well both on and off the field.
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5 easy tips for better breathing
Our modern stressed sedentary lifestyle has shifted our breathing patterns away from our natural breath. Many of us have adopted poor and ineffective breathing patterns, negatively impacting our physical and mental health.
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Your Perception Is Your Reality!
“I’m not what I think I am, I’m not what you think I am, I’m what I think you think I am”. As confusing as this quote from Cooley is, it is the way most of us live our lives. We seem to be caught in the external trap of judgment of what we think others think which in turn sets our own limited way of thinking.
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