Psychologists, Counsellors and Life Coaches Events in New South Wales

Book now for our upcoming workshop. It is suitable for two primary school teachers/school that will be driving Strong Minds Expert in your school. Staff will receive 5 hours of NESA points for attending the 9am-3pm zoom workshop. They will learn about: -The three primary theories of positive psychology which underpin intrinsic motivation, positive emotions, creativity and goal achievement - Seligman’s (2011) PERMA-H theory of wellbeing - Strong Minds Character Strength Workshop and resources – how to implement our whole school strength-based approach A bespoke Staff Character Strength Wellbeing Plan will be developed and embedding resources explored. Strong Minds Expert creates an inclusive school culture. Where students, staff and families are encouraged to explore their own character strengths and look for strengths in each other. This counteracts our natural negativity bias and builds wellbeing and resilience. LIMITED NUMBERS APPLY SO BOOK NOW